Students engaged in Active instruction in Subconscious Role Models are exposed to two of Robert's works, 'Wit and Wisdom' and 'Super Inner Wisdom.'
Here are a few examples of Robert's emotional abstracts from his philosophy books:
Yesterdays serve us for tomorrow if we translate our experiences into a wiser today.
It's not a good idea to pull the tiger's tail. You never know what the tiger may do.
Experiences can bring you up, experiences can bring you down, depending on how you interpret them.
In life we often learn more about human nature from other people than we would like.
Sometimes when things are going well, you should leave well enough alone rather than asking for trouble.
Regarding any situation, I give you this advice my friend. Deal with it as best you can.
In life a lot depends on what your motivations are.
Master the clock and you'll master yourself. Master yourself and you'll master your ego.
Master your ego and you'll master the universe.
If you don't stand for what is right, what do you stand for?
When you do your best, you have nothing to be ashamed of.
A good day is often seen in the good that is accomplished.
All roads lead to Rome. You go around in a circle, and then you become yourself again.
If only tombstones could talk. / Maybe you didn't do it, but you got caught.
Necessity is the mother of invention. Temptation is the mother of the devil.
All children are beautiful. They just have different modes of expression.
Don't take on emotional responsibilitiesunless you are prepared to deal with the consequences.
Everyone is beautiful if you look for the beauty within.
When something goes wrong, you can't just ignore it or go idly by.
I think women are jealous by natural nature. / Victory over oneself is the greatest victory.
If you are going to play with fire, you have to be prepared to deal with the consequences.
You are the company you keep. If the company is not good, you may wind up there too.
Take my advice: Don't try to figure the world out, just live it.
One does not always have good luck trying to discipline the devil.
My advice to nosy people: keep your nose in your work, and out of other people's business.
Never snitch on a colleague, and never make waves. Leave that to the ocean my friend.
Always remember it's a good life. There's always tomorrow.
No matter who you are, no matter what you are there is no right way to do the wrong thing.
In this world, my friend, concentrate on the prime objective and avoid distraction.
Reality isn't much fun, but we all have to deal with it.
A goal of life is to trust the Subconscious implicitly and master it with command.
There are two rules regarding cheating: Rule #1 Never cheat on your woman Rule #2 Never cheat on your stomach
When there's fantastic chemistry between two parties in a relationship, you never grow old. Obsession is strange my friend, obsession is strange.
Knowledge of self can lead to a more accurate understanding of others, who probably aren't what they seem despite all circumstances.
There are a lot of people wearing wedding rings who call themselves married who haven't the faintest idea what marriage is about.
You can run from others, but you cannot run from yourself..
Just be self-accepting and chill out. Life's better that way.
We all make choices. We have to make the ones which are reasonable and prudent.
It never surprises me how many people will do the wrong thing under normal circumstances. / There are times a picture can be worth a million words.
Definition of Maturity: Everyone else in the world is nuts, and suddenly you realize you're the only normal person in it.
You haven't gotten rid of your ego yet, but then again, you're just one of the crowd.
Honesty is always the best policy. When you're not honest you only hurt yourself.
Commitment is like a melody: you have to play the right tune to find understanding.
Life brings us a valuable lesson in trust, in terms of who you can trust and who not to, depending upon how many times you've gotten burned.
I refuse to commit to a decision, if, I believe, in my heart, it is the wrong one.
Look, everything's a mystery. You get your feet wet and you discover.
On conflict: you deal with it and roll with it. On the future: aspire to new challenges.
Wherever you go, personality clashes abound.
A gets along with B. B gets along with C. A and C can't stand each other!
Tis a wise man that learns from his mistakes. Tis a wiser man that looks inside and searches for the why, analyzes what's going on, and makes personality adjustments.
In life there are three choices: good choices, questionable choices, and bad choices.
Whatever choices, therefore, which we ultimately make will thereafter determine the emotional path which we take.
You can't talk to the wall, but you can do what it tells you.
Arguments are usually an exercise in futility, and are often senseless.
May the peaceful waters of Saturday and Sunday be yours.
Emotionally speaking there are limits, and it's helpful to be cognizant of this.
Certain girls require a great amount of love, caring and attention,without which she cannot function very well, and time has shown me that the emotional needs of women can be very inconsistent.
When you think with your brain, appreciate life, and look within, you can outfeel others.
Life is like a bank account. Everything simply is, with interest.
When you are a child, the world seems special, but it is only because you are a child that you see it that way. Later, your understanding of people and the past is not the same.